Fahad Sarwar, CEO



Tailored Pitch Deck according to client needs

We are in top 50 Agencies for Pitch Deck services on Upwork

Pitch Deck Ideas for Startup Businesses UAE

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Creating a compelling Pitch Deck Strategy

Myinvestorchoice help clients secure funding for their business ventures. 90% of our clients are successful in securing funding thanks to our best Pitch Deck format for startups based on their financials and vision. In Myinvestorchoice creating a compelling Pitch Deck strategy and provide investors with a clear understanding of our client’s business models, market potential, and financial projections. To help investors understand the potential returns on their investments, we use the latest data visualization tools and techniques. Additionally, Myinvestorchoice help clients prepare for investor meetings, presentations, and negotiations during the fundraising process. Getting funding aligned with clients’ vision and objectives is our goal.

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120 happy clients in Upwork

Upwork ranks us in top 10 agencies for Pitcheck

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Pitch Decks

with 5 star rating

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Financial Models

with 5 star rating

How do I purchase a Pitch Deck?

To begin the process, please contact our experts or download the proposal/brochure. If you are satisfied with the Pitch Deck, you may proceed to purchase it. After to the transaction, one of our experts will contact you to ensure that the correct email address or WhatsApp number is provided. Before making a purchase, you may also schedule a free consultation of 30 minutes.

What is the average time it takes to complete a Pitch Deck?

We begin with market research, competitor analysis, and financials, depending on the target market and revenue model. Once the financials are prepared, we will send them to you for approval. You will have five days to approve them. Upon approval, we begin developing the Pitch Deck. In general, it takes between 10 and 30 business days

Why should I hire you ?

With a 100% money back guarantee, we deduct 20% for taxes. If Your point is valid if you raise it we will refund the amount. Our work is 100% orignal

Why should I hire you ?

We are proud to be in 34th best Agency on Upwork for the past three years. To streamline our services and manage workload efficiently, we have created a dedicated website. We can be found by searching "Pitch Deck," selecting "talent," and selecting "agency only."

Do you have expertise in financials?

So far, we have made more than 200 financial models, and many websites have attempted to copy our template and financial style, but we can guarantee you that we are the best in financial analysis. Our financial analysts are gold-medal winners. For more information, please refer to the section on financial models.

Let’s Create Something Extraordinary


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